2025 NZLTC Conference: 8-10 April in Christchurch

Shaping the future of land treatment: adapting to evolving governance and regulation

Registration Is Now Open

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Call for Abstracts
The NZLTC Technical Committee is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts. All abstracts are welcome but preference will be given to abstracts which relate to the following conference theme: "Shaping the future of land treatment: adapting to evolving governance and regulation".

Please contact nzltc@esr.cri.nz for an abstract submission form. Submissions close 14 February 2025.

All abstracts submitted by the due date will be considered for the Conference Awards:
- Best presentation
- Best student presentation
- Best presentation by a junior professional (< 35 years)

Student Scholarships
Two student scholarships are available, which include full registration plus $500 towards travel and accommodation costs.

Please contact nzltc@esr.cri.nz for an application form. Submissions close 14 February 2025.

The Venue
The Conference will be held at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.

International Keynote Speaker: Dr. Albert Robert (Bob) Rubin

Dr. Albert Robert Rubin is an Emeritus Professor in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University and is currently a Senior Environmental Consultant and principal with his firm, A. R. Rubin and Associates. Dr. Rubin has been involved in the development of rules and regulations at the federal and state level addressing onsite wastewater management, biosolids management and water reuse.

From 1999 through 2005, he was a visiting scientist with the USEPA in Washington, D.C., where he assisted with development of the onsite and decentralized wastewater management program.  For that effort, the USEPA awarded a Bronze Medal to Dr. Rubin and the decentralized project team. From 2005 through 2009, he was employed as a senior technical consultant with a private firm and in 2009 he formed a consulting firm. In 2013, he was appointed to the USEPA Infrastructure Committee for Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater and Environmental Management Commission for the State of North Carolina. In 2018, he assisted in development of Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment, in WEF Design Manual for Wastewater Systems; WEF, Alexandria, VA, 2018.

Throughout his career, he has been involved in the development of guidelines, rules, and technologies that benefit the water, wastewater, and solid waste management industry in recovery of products for beneficial use. In 2012, he assisted in development of NSF Standard 350 for non-potable water reuse and that Standard is in building codes to promote wise water management. He has remained active in teaching and research to address a variety of water, wastewater, stormwater and wastewater residuals/solid waste management. Recent publications include a chapter in the WEF MOP on Water Resource Recovery Facilities and the WEF Guide to Infectious disease Control. He currently serves on the NC Operator Certification Commission that addresses both land-based and NPDES wastewater operations.

Thank You to Our Conference Sponsors!

2025 NZLTC Conference Sponsors

For further information
Bronwyn Humphries & Alexandra Meister,  Joint Technical Managers
Email: nzltc@esr.cri.nz

NZ Land Treatment Collective

Dedicated to improving and communicating technology for the land treatment of waste products

The New Zealand Land Treatment Collective (NZLTC) was established in 1989 to support research into the treatment of wastes and waste products by land application, by providing its members with up-to-date information on land treatment technology, research and information.

The NZLTC works to improve communication to all stakeholders in the waste management industry and to help fund research into developing and improving land treatment technology in New Zealand.

The NZLTC has members from research organisations, universities, district and regional councils, government departments, and environmental and engineering consulting companies.